Friendly people…
We invite you to come be our guest this weekend. You will be met by people who would love to help you find what you need as you come. We want you to feel at home.
Casual atmosphere…
Most people come in casual attire, so come as you are. When inside help yourself to a fresh cup of coffee or tea. Feel free to call our pastor by his first name.
Great music…
Our service normally begins with a time of praise and worship. We have a worship band that leads a contemporary style of worship music. Our desire is that you will experience the presence of God as we worship Him in song.
Practical teaching from scripture…
Each week our pastor will give a 30 to 40 minute message. We believe God still uses the Bible to speak truth into our lives. We often hear great feedback on how the messages really apply to people’s lives.
At the end of service our ministry teams will be available to pray with you. Just come up to any team member for prayer.