How you can donate and help OUR Church
We know it can change lives –
ours and the people we're reaching.
At Eastside Vineyard Church, taking action through generosity is simple. Your gifts do more than just keep the lights on and our building open. They allow us to create environments where we can introduce your friends and family to Jesus, as well as serve our local community and people around the world.
Thank you for investing in changed lives.
ways you can donate:
You can give each Sunday by using the envelope found on the welcome table. Just drop it in the offering basket as it is passed.
Giving online is a safe and easy way to give. Simply click on the donate button below to give.

Billpay online banking:
Your bank's billpay service automatically cut and mail a check to the Vineyard
Checks can be mailed to:
Eastside Vineyard Church
8399 Morgan St.
Pickerington, OH 43147